Sketching, Graphic Recording and Live Drawing
Services offered include everything from thumbnails to finished illustrations, quick sketches or detailed drawings. Equally capable working from imagination, and available to attend brainstorming events, to capture or create visuals as ideas develop.
Sketching at the zoo
Pencil sketch of sleeping three-legged Malayan tiger, Mai.
Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha.
Pencil sketch of grooming penquin
Henry Doorly Zoo
Pencil sketch of penquins
Henry Doorly Zoo
Sketching from Life
Three pencil studies
Sketching from Life
Ink sketch of jazz great Bucky Pizzarelli
Pencil sketch of Jack
Graphic Recording
Also known as Quick Marker Sketching
The tools of visually recording
Live color marker sketching provides quick, tangible visuals to correlate with idea development in a group setting. Allowing everyone present to have an instantly relatable image to discuss and work with.
5-minute marker sketch
5-minute marker sketch